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Winter has been right on schedule this year. As a matter of fact, sis has been in the waiting room for a hot minute. If you’re anything like the general population, then you are suffering from a cold, flu, fever, hay fever, or something something.

To help curb the winter madness, we’ve decided to look at some wellness habits to adopt and incorporate into our regular routines to make it through this lovely season.

Stay hydrated

This goes without saying. Compared to summer, you won’t feel as though you’re thirsty. But if you do not watch your water intake, you will become dehydrated pretty quickly. You don’t necessarily need to drink eight cups or two liters of water a day, especially if you aren’t used to consuming water like that, but try to aim for at least four cups throughout the day and have a water bottle that you sip on occasionally.

winter wellness -- keeping hydrated
Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

Up your hygiene

Because it’s winter and everyone is getting sick, you may touch something or someone and accidentally contaminate yourself. Make it a habit of washing your hands frequently, especially before you eat, and not touching your face unnecessarily. If you are in a shared environment, sanitize the area just to kill whatever bacteria are there.

Photo by Tai’s Captures on Unsplash

Go outside

As tempting as it is to cancel plans and stay indoors beneath your duvets, getting outside could actually benefit your wellbeing and push back the winter blues. Because of the lack of or reduced sunlight in winter, people are prone to experiencing what is called seasonal depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is a mood disorder caused by changes in seasons, i.e., winter and summer.

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash


This is not popular for most people, and the famous excuse is that ‘it’s too cold’. But you don’t need to go running or swimming. Instead, take a walk to the store and take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you’re trying to build a summer body in the winter, though, this is the perfect time to sign up for a gym membership or download a fitness app on your phone. The latter option is beneficial for you if you have gym anxiety and would much rather workout in the comfort of your house.

Exercise is also important because people often tend to overeat in the winter and forget to watch their weight. That’s often why gyms have an influx of members at the beginning of summer.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Get enough hours of sleep

Because of the changes in daylight and the longer nights in winter, you will need to be consistent in how long you sleep. Go to bed at the same time and wake up on time, even on weekends. Invest in a humidifier to keep the air moist from Dischem for N$400.00.

Photo by Andisheh A on Unsplash

Go Green!

This is the time to boost your immune system, and you can do so by giving your body the agents it requires through fruits and vegetables. You should, of course, use vitamin C and D tablets, but also take in some fruits and veggies. Try out grapefruits, pears, oranges, bananas, dates, and pineapples for your go-to fruits. For veggies, try kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cabbage, and beetroot. This is the time to explore what kinds of soups are good and meal prep.

Add healthy fats for warmth and satiety, lean protein for muscle repair, and complex carbs for energy. For vital vitamins and minerals, don’t forget to eat vivid fruits and vegetables. To be energetic and healthy, strive for diversity and careful eating.

Dietician Bharathi Kumar
Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash


You may find yourself at home most of the time anyway, so it may be a good time to sort out your place. Organizations and charities are always in need of donations, so you could start with the previous season’s clothing items and work all the way to that one cupboard that looks like it’s been through both world wars.

winter wellness -- decluttering
Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

With these few tips, we hope you start off winter on the right foot and stay warm, healthy, and stress-free this season!

Uendjii Kandanga

My name's Uendjii and I've been the editor of all the content that you know and love. I don't have a specific niche; I prefer to have my fingers in everything.

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Afterbreak Magazine is a Namibian digital youth magazine that presently leads in educating, empowering and entertaining young Namibian people, with the aim of building a community of growth, a sense of responsibility and a shared identity.

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