September ought to be every man’s favourite month since it’s the official (yet unofficial) month to take a man out.

This September observance first started gaining momentum on social media, mainly on twitter, around September 2014. There is a portion of people who believe that the month-long observance was started by men themselves to get women to take them out. However even if it was, I choose to think of it as a great incentive to serve as a reminder and exercise the fact that relationships are a two-way street. And if we, women, expect men to treat us, what’s so scandalous about men needing to get treated by women too?
Furthermore, I love this because it gives women a chance to express their romantic side. Moreover, it’s a chance for the guys to get pointers on how to plan a date from a woman’s perspective, in case they are clueless.

How to ask a man on a date
Ladies, another reason I love this September observance is because it gives the girls an opportunity to shamelessly (if ever they’ve felt reluctant to) shoot their shot. Here are a few pointers by the Romance Queen on how to do just that;
- Ask him formally on a date.
- Plan the date yourself based on things he likes to do, places he likes to go, and ideas you’ve heard him talk about.
- Do not make it a group event. Group dates do not count here.
- Do things on the date that you would like him to do for you. It’s fun to reverse the roles during this time, such as opening the door for him and ordering his favorite meal off the menu. Guys get a kick out of being spoiled, especially when you’re paying.
- Pay for the date. Paying for the date makes this whole thing come together. Some guys always insist on paying for things like dinner, but tonight let him know that everything is on you without watching every morsel he orders off the menu.
- Show your appreciation for him. Don’t make this a “see what I mean” or “can you do better” date. Let him know that this date planned especially for him is for him. You did it to appreciate who he is to you. You care. You love (or like) him very much and, most importantly, because HE DESERVES IT! Men need to feel appreciated and what better way to show it than to take him out on a date doing things he likes best.
- End it with intimacy. Intimacy does not just mean intercourse. Possibly, you can have your first kiss, hold hands, give him a massage or dance for him. Intimacy is about “being emotionally close to your partner” and oftentimes physically close.

Date Ideas for him
- Take him to his favourite sports bar for dinner and the game. Or treat him to any activity he enjoys, e.g. arts, gun range, dancing, horses, wine etc.. Make sure this date is with you and him only.
- Take him shopping for those shoes he’s been eyeing and perhaps buy him a matching outfit to go with it. Guys love to look good for us and you picking it out with him is a win-win.
- How about a weekend trip? Plan a weekend away from the mundane everyday life of work/school. Be it a stay-cation or an actual vacation, getting away from everyone is sometimes what we need to get the romance back. It’s also a great stress reliever for you both and a way for you guys to enjoy and make new memories together.
- Plan a romantic and creative couples shoot and have the photos framed.
- Plan a really aesthetic and scenic couple’s picnic or book a reservation at a stunning restaurant for a romantic dinner date. And yes, dress to the gods!
- Stay at home, cook him his favorite meal or cook with him, and watch a great movie over great food.
- Self-care aka spa date for him because guys deserve self-care too. Treat him to a spa day for a full body massage, skin treatments and a pool day. Or have your own DIY at home spa treatment for him. Get face masks, and give him a great massage as foreplay for a very intimate night.

FYI, this month isn’t only dedicated to the romantic partners or crushes in our lives, but to all the men in our lives. So be it your father, brother, other relative or male friend – you can take advantage of this month (or any other month, honestly) to spoil them and show them your appreciation.
Plan something unique and memorable, something he will talk about for months, and something you don’t do often. Show him off, be proud of the man in your life and take your man on a date.
P.S, have fun ladies.
Read more articles on relationships and love here, and do follow Nandi on Instagram at @nandi.tjiurutue
LOVE IT!🥹👏🏾❤️ I shamelessly took notes😹🤭
Thanks Chief!