Having clear skin isn’t easy to obtain. A number of people may naturally have clear skin but most of us require skin care routines that often include many products and tools. Whether you’re looking to reduce your skin’s aging process or get rid of pimples, here are a few skin care tips that are proven to help reduce skincare issues.
1. Avoid Touching Your Face
Picking at your face may be doing more harm to your skin than you may know. As tempting as it is to pop a pimple or to just casually just feel on your skin, it is best not to do so. It spreads dirt all over your face causing acne or if you are popping pimples you may end up with dark spots which are hard to remove.
2. Drink More Water
This is might be cliché but in reality it’s quite helpful. Keeping yourself hydrated feeds the skin from the inside. Drinking at least the required amount of water (2L per day) may aid in clearing out your skin. You might need to get used to visiting the toilet more often than usual.

3. Change or Wash Your Pillow Case Frequently
Your pillow is one of the many things that harbor a lot of bacteria. The dirt may come from hair that is not covered during sleep. Hair is usually full of oils from hair sprays and moisturizers and if not covered may lead to staining your pillow. Making sure your face rests on a clean pillow can help reduce the risk of bacteria spreading on your skin as you sleep. Having a clean pillow and bedsheets is not only hygienic for you but for your face.
4. Wash Your Face Twice Daily
Although many people do have skin care routines, others do not. And for those with no routine it is just fine, because washing your face removes dirt and oils that may make your pores stand out too much. Washing you face in the morning and at night helps reduce the dirt that may be on your face and help maintain clean skin. If you have a skin care routine and it seems to be doing its job do not let it go or change products, as your skin may react differently to other products.

5. Stress Less
Stress needs to be kept in check. When we are stressed our bodies tend to release a hormone called Cortisol. An increase Cortisol may cause a decrease the glow you naturally have in your skin. It also causes a rebound in the production of oil, which can cause acne. Learning to keep our stress levels low may help maintain great skin.
These aren’t the only tips of skin care but they are the most overlooked. There are more ways to take care of your skin without products. For those who do prefer to use skin care products need to know their skin types in order to know which products will work best for them.
I really need to stop touching my face 😭😭😭💔
As someone who struggles with it too, yes. Yes we actually need to stop it😂
You had me at “don’t touch your face” I’m guilty charged. I loved this, I don’t have a skin care routine but this helps because it helped me realize that clear skin isn’t all dependent on skin care products
Exactly, sometimes it’s all in the little things. Glad I could be of help😌
Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, thankyou.
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